TimeSeriesPlot FR EN
The timeseriesplot service returns a graphical representation of time series data of the RESIF seismic network
- The time span may be up to 31 days.
- Only unrestricted data are available.
Available features
- Plots with multiple networks, stations, locations or channels.
- A current-day indicator to obtain daily results easily.
- Deconvolution of instrument response (with unit conversion and prefiltering).
- Interactive plot or image generation (format: PNG or JPEG).
URL Builder
- ws.resif.fr/resifws/timeseriesplot/1/query?net=RA&station=PYTO&cha=HN2&loc=00,02&demean&correct&start=2017-11-02T13:35:00&end=2017-11-02T13:40:00
- ws.resif.fr/resifws/timeseriesplot/1/query?net=RA&station=PYTO&cha=HN2&loc=00,02&demean&correct&start=2017-11-02T13:35:00&end=2017-11-02T13:40:00&iplot
/query? (channel-options) (date-range-options) [plot-options] [nodata=404]
channel-options :: (net=<network> sta=<station> loc=<location> cha=<channel>)
date-range-options :: (starttime=<date|durée>) (endtime=<date|durée>)
ouput-options :: [iplot=<true|FALSE>] [format=<PNG|jpeg>]
plot-options :: [showtitle=<TRUE|false>] [showscale=<TRUE|false>] [monochrome<true|FALSE>]
plot-options :: [width=<400-2000>] [height=<200-2000>]
filter-options :: [demean=<TRUE|false>]
filter-options :: [earthunits=<true|FALSE>] {waterlevel=<nombre>} {freqlimits=<f1-f2-f3-f4>} {units=<AUTO|disp|vel|acc>}
(..) required
[..] optional
{..} optional, but complements another option
default values are uppercase
Data source
Parameter | Alias | Description | Example |
network | net | Seismic network name. Accepts wildcards and lists. | FR |
station | sta | Station name. Accepts wildcards and lists. | CIEL |
location | loc | Location code. Use loc=-- for empty location codes. Accepts wildcards and lists. | 00 |
channel | cha | Channel Code. Accepts wildcards and lists. | HHZ |
Wildcards and lists
- Wildcards: the question mark ? represents any single character, while the asterisk * represents zero or more characters.
- List: multiple items may be retrieved using a comma-separated list. Wildcards may be included in the list.
For example, with channel codes: channel=EH?,BHZ
Date range
Parameter | Alias | Description | Example |
starttime | start | Selects data on or after the specified start time. | 2010-01-10T00:00:00 |
endtime | end | Selects data on or before the specified end time. | 2011-02-11T01:00:00 |
The definition of the time interval may take different forms:
- a calendar dates, for example starttime=2015-08-12T01:00:00
- duration in seconds, for example endtime=7200
- the key word “currentutcday” which means midnight of today’s date (UTC time), for example starttime=currentutcday
Date and time formats
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123
YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 (a time of 00:00:00 is assumed)
currentutcday (today at 00:00:00)
YYYY :: four-digit year
MM :: two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD :: two-digit day (01 through 31)
T :: date-time separator
hh :: two-digit hour (00 through 23)
mm :: two-digit number of minutes (00 through 59)
ss :: two-digit number of seconds (00 through 59)
ssssss :: one to six-digit number of microseconds (0 through 999999)
Output configuration
Parameter | Alias | Default | Description | Example |
iplot | false | Displays an interactive plot instead of a static plot. | true | |
nodata | 204 | Return code in case of no data | 404 |
Time series processing options
The following parameters allow filtering the time series.
Parameter | Alias | Default | Description | Example | Documentation |
demean | false | Remove the mean of the time series. | true | ObsPy | |
correct | earthunits | false | Apply instrumental correction by deconvolution with earth unit’s conversion. | true | ObsPy |
waterlevel | 10 | Waterlevel (en dB) used for the deconvolution. “none” value corresponds to the classical inverse filtering. |
1 none |
ObsPy | |
freqlimits | Band pass filter applied to the frequency domain prior to the deconvolution1,2. Rectangular window between f2 and f3 and cosine window between f1 and f2 and between f3 and f4. | 0.01-0.04-0.5-0.6 | ObsPy | ||
units | AUTO | Output units (AUTO, DISP, VEL, ACC). Enabled only with the correct option. | VEL | ObsPy |
Notes :
- Frequency in Hertz
- Frequency numbers may be separated by a comma or by a dash. For example : 0.01,0.02 or 0.01-0.02
Options graphiques
Parameter | Alias | Default | Description | Example |
showtitle | true | Whether or not to show the channel and date-range information on the top of the plot. | false | |
showscale | true | Whether or not to show a scale on the right-side axis of the plot. | false | |
monochrome | false | Creates a grayscale or a color plot. | true | |
width | 1200 | Width of the output plot (pixels). The range is 400 to 2000. | 500 | |
height | 400 | Height of the output plot(pixels). The range is 200 to 2000. | 400 | |
format | jpeg | Format of the output image (png or jpeg). | png |
Sources are distributed under the terms of GPLv3 licence and are available at https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/OSUG/RESIF/ws-timeseries
For questions about accessing data, filling bug reports, making suggestions, asking for help, please visit our helpdesk or send an email to sismo-help@resif.fr