TimeSeries FR EN

This service provides access to the timeseries data of the RESIF seismic network. Optional signal processing may be applied and data may be returned in several formats.


  • The time span may be up to 31 days.
  • Only unrestricted data are available.

Available features

  • Remove mean or trend of the time series.
  • Scaling by constant value.
  • Differentiation and integration.
  • Calculate the envelope of the time series.
  • Decimation to lower sample rates.
  • Deconvolution of instrument response (with unit conversion and prefiltering).
  • Output formats: miniSEED, SAC binary, ASCII, PNG or JPEG Plot

URL Builder



Return code in case of no data

 Low-pass Hz
 High-pass Hz
 Band-pass Hz





/query? (channel-options) (date-range-options) (output-options) [filter-options] {plot-options} [nodata=404]

where :
channel-options      ::  (net=<network> sta=<station> loc=<location> cha=<channel>)
date-range-options   ::  (starttime=<date>) (endtime=<date|duration>)
output-options       ::  (format=<ascii|mseed|sac|slist|tspair|plot>)
plot-options         ::  {showtitle=<TRUE|false>} {showscale=<TRUE|false>} {monochrome=<true|FALSE>}
plot-options         ::  {width=<400-2000>} {height=<200-2000>}
filter-options       ::  [demean=<TRUE|false>] [detrend=<true|FALSE>]
filter-options       ::  [taper=<0.0-0.5,HANNING|hamming|cosine>]
filter-options       ::  [decimate=<2-16>]
filter-options       ::  [correct=<true|FALSE>] {waterlevel=<number>} {freqlimits=<f1-f2-f3-f4>} {units=<AUTO|disp|vel|acc>}
filter-options       ::  [diff=<true|FALSE>] [int=<true|FALSE>]
filter-options       ::  [lpfilter=<frequency>] [hpfilter=<frequency>] [bpfilter=<fmin-fmax>] {zerophase=<true|FALSE>}
filter-options       ::  [envelope=<true|FALSE>]
filter-options       ::  [scale=<number>] [divscale=<number>]

(..) mandatory
[..] optional
{..} optional, but complements another option
default values are uppercase


Data source

Parameter Alias Description Example
network net Seismic network name. Accepts wildcards and lists. FR
station sta Station name. Accepts wildcards and lists. CIEL
location loc Location code. Use loc=-- for empty location codes. Accepts wildcards and lists. 00
channel cha Channel Code. Accepts wildcards and lists. HHZ
Wildcards and lists
  • Wildcards: the question mark ? represents any single character, while the asterisk * represents zero or more characters.
  • List: multiple items may be retrieved using a comma-separated list. Wildcards may be included in the list.

For example, with channel codes: channel=EH?,BHZ

Date range options

Parameter Alias Description Example
starttime start Selects data on or after the specified start time. 2010-01-10T00:00:00
endtime end Selects data on or before the specified end time. 2011-02-11T01:00:00

The definition of the time interval may take different forms:

  • a calendar dates, for example starttime=2015-08-12T01:00:00
  • duration in seconds, for example endtime=7200
  • the key word “currentutcday” which means midnight of today’s date (UTC time), for example starttime=currentutcday
Date and time formats
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123
YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 (a time of 00:00:00 is assumed)
currentutcday  (today at 00:00:00)


YYYY    :: four-digit year
MM      :: two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD      :: two-digit day (01 through 31)
T       :: date-time separator
hh      :: two-digit hour (00 through 23)
mm      :: two-digit number of minutes (00 through 59)
ss      :: two-digit number of seconds (00 through 59)
ssssss  :: one to six-digit number of microseconds (0 through 999999)

Output format configuration

Parameter Alias Default Description Example
format Format of the output file : ascii (equivalent to tspair), mseed, sac, slist or plot (graphical output). ascii
nodata 204 Return code in case of no data 404

Time series processing options

The following parameters allow filtering the time series. Parameter order matters because each operation is performed in the order given.

Parameter Alias Default Unit Description Example Documentation
demean false Remove the mean of the time series. true ObsPy
detrend false Remove the trend of the time series. true ObsPy
taper Tapering in the time domain. The window width is specified as a fraction of the trace length from 0 to 0.5. The width may be optionally followed by window type : HANNING (défaut), HAMMING, COSINE. 0.25
0.35, COSINE
decimate deci Decimation factor. A low-pass filter is applied prior to decimation (anti-aliasing filter). 2.0 ObsPy
correct false Apply instrumental correction by deconvolution with earth unit’s conversion. true ObsPy
waterlevel 10 dB Waterlevel used for the deconvolution.
“Noe” value corresponds to the classical inverse filtering.
freqlimits Band pass filter applied to the frequency domain prior to the deconvolution1,2. Rectangular window between f2 and f3 and cosine window between f1 and f2 and between f3 and f4 0.01-0.04-0.5-0.6 ObsPy
units AUTO Output unit (AUTO, DISP, VEL, ACC). Enabled only with the correct option. VEL ObsPy
diff false Differentiate using centered method. true ObsPy
int false Integrate using trapezoidal method. true ObsPy
lpfilter lp Hz Low-pass filter with the specified cutoff 1. 1.0 ObsPy
hpfilter hp Hz High-pass filter with the specified cutoff 1. 2.0 ObsPy
bpfilter bp Hz Band-pass filter with the specified range 1,2,3. 0.5-1.2 ObsPy
zerophase false Zerophase filtering (may be used with lpfilter, hpfilter or bpfilter option). true ObsPy
envelope false Time series envelope calculed with the approximated Hilbert transform. true ObsPy
scale Scale data samples by the specified factor. 1.5
divscale Scale data samples by the inverse of the specified factor. 4.0

Notes :

  1. Frequency in Hertz.
  2. IIR 4th order filter with a Butterworth window
  3. Frequency numbers may be separated by a comma or by a dash. For example : 0.01,0.02 or 0.01-0.02

Plot options

Parameter Alias Default Description Example
showtitle true Whether or not to show the channel and date-range information on the top of the plot. false
showscale true Whether or not to show a scale on the right-side axis of the plot. false
monochrome false Creates a grayscale or a color plot. true
width 1200 Width of the output plot (pixels). The range is 400 to 2000. 500
height 400 Height of the output plot(pixels). The range is 200 to 2000. 400


Sources are distributed under the terms of GPLv3 licence and are available at https://gricad-gitlab.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/OSUG/RESIF/ws-timeseries

For questions about accessing data, filling bug reports, making suggestions, asking for help, please visit our helpdesk or send an email to sismo-help@resif.fr