PPSD: Values FR EN

This section of the PPSD WebService extracts the numerical values of the PSD, the histogram or the spectrogram for a defined data source and time period.

URL Builder



Type of values

Period min
Period max
Amplitude min
Amplitude max
Percentage min
Percentage max
Return code in case of missing data




/value? (channel-options) (date-range-options) [image-options] [plot-options] [nodata=404]

where :
channel-options      ::  (network=<network>) (station=<station>) (location=<location>) (channel=<channel>)
date-range-options   ::  (starttime=<date>) (endtime=<date>)
output-options       ::  (type=<psd|histogram|spectrogram>) (format=<csv|json|npz>) [nodata=<>]
data-options         ::  [xmin=<>] [xmax=<>] [ymin=<>] [ymax=<>] [zmin=<>] [zmax=<>]

(..) mandatory
[..] optional


Data source selection

Parameter Alias Exemple Description
network net FR Seismic network code. Accepts wildcards and lists.
station sta CIEL Station code. Accepts wildcards and lists.
location loc 00 Location code. Use loc=-- for empty location codes. Accepts wildcards and lists.
channel cha HHZ Channel code. Accepts wildcards and lists.
Wildcards and lists
  • Wildcards: the question mark ? represents any single character, while the asterisk * represents zero or more characters.
  • List: multiple items may be retrieved using a comma-separated list. Wildcards may be included in the list.

For example, with channel codes: channel=EH?,BHZ

Time period selection

Parameter Alias Exemple Description
starttime start 2010-01-10T00:00:00 Selects power spectral densities from the specified time inclusive.
endtime end 2011-02-11T01:00:00 Selects power spectral densities before the specified time inclusive.
Date and time formats
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123
YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 (a time of 00:00:00 is assumed)
currentutcday  (today at 00:00:00)

with :

YYYY    :: four digits of the year
MM      :: two digits of the month (01=January, etc.)
DD      :: two digits of the day of the month (01 to 31)
T       :: date-time separator
hh      :: two digits of the hour (00 to 23)
mm      :: two digits of minutes (00 to 59)
ss      :: two digits of the seconds (00 to 59)
ssssss  :: one to six digits of microseconds in decimal base (0 to 999999)

Output format

Parameter Alias Default Description
type psd Type of values: psd, histogram, spectrogram
format csv Output format: CSV, JSON, NPZ (only for PSD)


Parameter Alias Default Description
format npz File output format: NPZ, CSV, JSON
nodata 204 Return code in case of missing data
period_min xmin Minimum limit of values to be represented on the X axis
period_max xmax Maximum limit of the values to be represented on the X axis
power_min ymin Minimum limit of values to be represented on the Y axis
power_max ymax Maximum limit of the values to be represented on the Y axis
percentage_min zmin Minimum limit of values to be represented on the Z axis
percentage_max zmax Maximum limit of the values to be represented on the Z axis