This service provides access to the sensor instrumental responses of the RESIF seismic network.
/query? (channel-options) [time-option] [frequency-options] [units-options] [plots-options] (output-options) [nodata=404]
channel-options :: (net=<network>) (sta=<station>) (loc=<location>) (cha=<channel>)
time-option :: (time=<date>)
frequency-options :: [minfreq=<freq-Hz>] [maxfreq=<freq-Hz>] [nfreq=<number-of-frequencies>] [spacing=<lin|log>]
units-options :: [units=<def|dis|vel|acc>]
plot-options :: [width=<pixels>] [height=<pixels>] [annotate=<true|false>]
output-options :: (format=<fap|cs|plot|plot-amp|plot-phase>)
(..) required
[..] optional
Parameter | Example | Discussion |
net[work] | FR | Seismic network name. |
sta[tion] | CIEL | Station name. |
loc[ation] | 00 | Location code. Use loc=-- for empty location codes. |
cha[nnel] | HHZ | Channel Code. |
time | 2017-01-01T00:00:00 | Evaluate the response at the given time. If not specified, the current time is used. |
minfreq | 0.001 | The minimum frequency (Hz) at which response will be evaluated. |
maxfreq | 100 | The maximum frequency (Hz) at which response will be evaluated. Defaults to the channel sample rate or the frequency of sensitivity, whichever is larger. |
nfreq | 500 | Number frequencies at which response will be evaluated. Must be a positive integer no greater than 10000. |
units | acc | Output unit. Must be: def (unit in response metadata), dis (displacement), vel (velocity), acc (acceleration). |
spacing | linear | Scale frequency. Must be: lin(ear) or log(arithmic). |
width | 500 | The width of the generated plot. Defaults to 800. |
height | 400 | The height of the generated plot. Defaults to 600. |
annotate | false | Displays the sensitivity, the frequency and sensitivity frequency. |
degrees | false | Displays the phase in degrees or in radians. |
format | plot | Output format. Must be: fap (three column ASCII: frequency, amplitude, phase), cs (three column ASCII: frequency, real, imaginary), plot (amplitude and phase plot), plot-amp (amplitude only plot), plot-phase (phase only plot). |
nodata | 404 | Specify which HTTP status code is returned when no data is found (204 or 404) |
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123
YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 (a time of 00:00:00 is assumed)
YYYY :: four-digit year
MM :: two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD :: two-digit day (01 through 31)
T :: date-time separator
hh :: two-digit hour (00 through 23)
mm :: two-digit number of minutes (00 through 59)
ss :: two-digit number of seconds (00 through 59)
ssssss :: one to six-digit number of microseconds (0 through 999999)