The dataselect service provides access to seismic data of the RESIF network.
/query? (channel-options) (date-range-options) [quality-options] [misc-options] [nodata=404]
channel-options :: (net=<network>) (sta=<station>) (loc=<location>) (cha=<channel>)
date-range-options :: (starttime=<date|duration>) (endtime=<date|duration>)
quality-options :: [quality=<D|R|Q|M|B>]
misc-options :: [minimumlength=<seconds>] [longestonly=<true|false>]
(..) required
[..] optional
Parameter | Example | Discussion |
net[work] | FR | Seismic network name. Accepts wildcards and lists. |
sta[tion] | CIEL | Station name. Accepts wildcards and lists. |
loc[ation] | 00 | Location code. Use loc=– for empty location codes. Accepts wildcards and lists. |
cha[nnel] | HHZ | Channel Code. Accepts wildcards and lists. |
represents any single character, while the asterisk *
represents zero or more characters.For example, with channel codes: channel=EH?,BHZ
Parameter | Example | Discussion |
start[time] | 2010-01-10T00:00:00 | Selects data on or after the specified start time. |
end[time] | 2011-02-11T01:00:00 | Selects data on or before the specified end time. |
The definition of the time interval may take different forms:
which means midnight of today’s date (UTC time), for example starttime=currentutcday
Parameters | Examples | Discussion | Default value |
quality | B | Selects data based on miniSEED data quality indicators. D, R, Q, M, B. M and B (default) are treated the same and indicate best available. If M or B is selected, the output data records will be stamped with an M. | B |
minimumlength | 1.5 | Limits the results to continuous data segments of a minimum length specified in seconds. | 0.0 |
longestonly | 2.0 | Limits the results to the longest continuous segment per channel. | false |
nodata | 404 | Specify which HTTP status code is returned when no data is found (204 or 404) |
The general form of a POST is parameter=value
pairs, one per line, followed by an arbitrary number of channels and, optionally, time window selection lines:
Net Sta Loc Chan [StartTime EndTime]
Net Sta Loc Chan [StartTime EndTime]
Supported date formats are:
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123
YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 (a time of 00:00:00 is assumed)
YYYY :: four-digit year
MM :: two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD :: two-digit day (01 through 31)
T :: date-time separator
hh :: two-digit hour (00 through 23)
mm :: two-digit number of minutes (00 through 59)
ss :: two-digit number of seconds (00 through 59)
ssssss :: one to six-digit number of microseconds (0 through 999999)
or access to restricted data, requests should be sent to: fdsnws/dataselect/1/queryauth
Requests sent to this URL are authenticated via digest access authentication in order to establish the caller’s credentials.
Command exemples :
curl --digest --user "user:password""
wget --http-user="user" --http-password="password""
The fdsnws-dataselect is configured to deliver no more than 10 billions data samples per request.
The response size is evaluated from the request time span. Gaps in data are not taken into account.
If the request is too large, the service responds with error code 413 “Too much data”.
If this happens, the user needs to split the request in several smaller chunks.
This implementation of the webservice is released under the GPLV3 licence. Source code is available here.
Additional informations on webservice overview
You can also get help by sending an email at