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Webservice availability


The availability web service returns detailed timespan information of what time series data is available at the RESIF data center archive.

There are two service query methods:


Produce a list of available time extents (earliest to latest) for selected channels (network, station, location, channel and quality) and time ranges.


Produce a list of contiguous timespans for selected channels (network, station, location, channel and quality) and time ranges.

Output format options:

Query usage

Query parameters are joined by ampersands “&”, without blank space (see the sample queries). Default values are uppercase. At least one station or one network must be specified.

/extent usage

/extent? [channel-options] [date-range-options] [merge-options] [sort-options] [display-options] [format-options] [nodata=404]

where :

channel-options      ::  [net=<network>] [sta=<station>] [loc=<location>] [cha=<channel>] [quality=<quality>]
date-range-options   ::  [starttime=<date|duration>] [endtime=<date|duration>]
merge-options        ::  [merge=<quality|samplerate|overlap>]
sort-options         ::  [orderby=<NSLC_TIME_QUALITY_SAMPLERATE|timespancount|timespancount_desc|latestupdate|latestupdate_desc>]
display-options      ::  [includerestricted=<true|FALSE>] [limit=<number>]
format-options       ::  [format=<TEXT|geocsv|json|request|zip>]

default values are uppercase

/query usage

/query? [channel-options] [date-range-options] [merge-options] [sort-options] [display-options] [format-options] [nodata=404]

where :

channel-options      ::  [net=<network>] [sta=<station>] [loc=<location>] [cha=<channel>] [quality=<quality>]
date-range-options   ::  [starttime=<date|duration>] [endtime=<date|duration>]
merge-options        ::  [merge=<quality|samplerate|overlap>] [mergegaps=<number>]
sort-options         ::  [orderby=<NSLC_TIME_QUALITY_SAMPLERATE|latestupdate|latestupdate_desc>]
display-options      ::  [includerestricted=<true|FALSE>] [limit=<number>] [show=<latestupdate>]
format-options       ::  [format=<TEXT|geocsv|json|request|zip>]

default values are uppercase

Sample queries

with /extent,OGCE&cha=EH?&start=2018-01-01&end=2018-11-15,OGCE&cha=EH?&start=2018-01-01&end=2018-11-15&show=latestupdate&orderby=timespancount

with /query,OGCE&cha=EH?&start=2018-01-01&end=2018-11-15,OGCE&cha=EH?&start=2018-01-01&end=2018-11-15&merge=samplerate&mergegaps=36000

Detailed descriptions of each query parameter

Channel options

Parameter Example Discussion
net[work] FR Seismic network name. Accepts wildcards and lists.
sta[tion] CIEL Station name. Accepts wildcards and lists.
loc[ation] 00 Location code. Use loc=-- for empty location codes. Accepts wildcards and lists.
cha[nnel] HHZ Channel Code. Accepts wildcards and lists.

Wildcards and lists

For example, with channel codes: channel=EH?,BHZ

Date-range options

Parameter Example Discussion
start[time] 2010-01-10T00:00:00 Selects timespan information on or after the specified start time.
end[time] 2011-02-11T01:00:00 Selects timespan information on or before the specified end time.

The definition of the time interval may take different forms:

Merge options

Parameters Examples Discussion
merge Comma separated list (example merge=quality,samplerate).
quality The timespans of data with differing quality are grouped together.
samplerate The timespans of data with differing sample rates are grouped together.
overlap Not applicable.

Output options

Parameters Examples Discussion
format json Specify the output format. Accepted values are text (the default), json, request and zip.
includerestricted false Display or not restricted data.
limit integer Limits output to this many rows.
nodata 404 Specify which HTTP status code is returned when no data is found (204 or 404)

Sort options

Parameters Examples Discussion
orderby Sort rows by:
nslc_time_quality_samplerate network, station, location, channel, time-range, quality, sample-rate (default)
latestupdate update-date (past to present), network, station, location, channel, time-range, quality, sample-rate
latestupdate_desc update-date (present to past), network, station, location, channel, time-range, quality, sample-rate

Additional parameters for the extent method

Parameters Examples Discussion
orderby Sort rows by:
timespancount number of timespans (small to large), network, station, location, channel, time-range, quality, sample-rate
timespancount_desc number of timespans (large to small), network, station, location, channel, time-range, quality, sample-rate

Additional parameters the query method

Parameters Example Discussion
mergegaps 3600 The timespans which are separated by gaps smaller or equal than the given value (in seconds) are merged together.
show latestupdate Display the last date of data update.

HTTP POST queries

The general form of a POST is parameter=value pairs, one per line, followed by an arbitrary number of channels and, optionally, time window selection lines:

Net Sta Loc Chan [StartTime EndTime]
Net Sta Loc Chan [StartTime EndTime]

Start time and end times can be specified globally, such as

Net1 Sta1 Loc1 Chan1
Net2 Sta2 Loc2 Chan2

or per line:

Net1 Sta1 Loc1 Chan1 2020-10-01T00:00:00 2020-10-01T00:01:00
Net2 Sta2 Loc2 Chan2 2020-10-02T00:00:00 2020-10-02T00:02:00

If not given, the start and end times default to the fully available time range. Additionally, global time ranges can be mixed with individual time ranges.

Date and time formats

YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.ssssss] ex. 1997-01-31T12:04:32.123
YYYY-MM-DD ex. 1997-01-31 (a time of 00:00:00 is assumed)


YYYY    :: four-digit year
MM      :: two-digit month (01=January, etc.)
DD      :: two-digit day (01 through 31)
T       :: date-time separator
hh      :: two-digit hour (00 through 23)
mm      :: two-digit number of minutes (00 through 59)
ss      :: two-digit number of seconds (00 through 59)
ssssss  :: one to six-digit number of microseconds (0 through 999999)